
ANAC - Passenger rights and duties

ANAC - Passenger rights and duties ...

The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC in Portuguese) is the Brazilian federal regulatory agency that sets out the rules for the air transport in Brazil. In this folder “Tips for Passengers”, you will have access to pieces of information on your rights and duties as an air transport passenger.

Designed in a “question and answer” format, the folder points out some of the doubts you may have on air tickets, check-in, boarding documents, special assistance and access to gate areas, among other issues.

In this information folder, you can find out some tips in case of delays, cancelation or overbooking — some of the most frequent doubts for air transport users.

There are also some piece of information on passenger’s rights during the flight (including the use of electronic devices) and common doubts on the boarding and disembarking time (such as baggage claiming and complaints registration).

Issued in last July, the folder is in accordance with the current legislation related to the civil aviation sector and with ANAC´s norms.

The print version of this folder “Tips for passengers” will be available at the main Brazilian airports, and the digital version is already available at ANAC website on the internet. Click here to access the digital version of this folder.

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